Noche Blanca

May 1, 2017

A pretty good week. 
We traveled to Sabana Grande de Boya for a Noche Blanca last night with our zone and 15 people were baptized. Elder Portillo and I baptized 2 people, Nicolas and Luzmaria. Nicolas read Jesus's invitation in Matthew 27:19-20 and is preparing to leave on a mission in a year, so we're super stoked about that. 

We went through China Town Santo Domingo and that was weird. I would have never thought of experiencing Asians speaking Spanish, but its real.
We also stopped by a shoe place where I bought a pair of Echos, which are 150 bucks in the states, for 30 dollars. 

God is our loving heavenly Father, and he loves us! The Church is true!

Elder Budge

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