
Showing posts from May, 2017

Punta Cana

May 29, 2017 Hey Everyone! Not a whole lot went on this week because of transfers, but its been pretty fun adjusting to this new area. We played baseball with a bunch of kids before we left Gonzalo. Its was pretty sad leaving, but NEW AREA My new companion´s name is Elder Chicom, and he's from Panama and doesn´t speak any English, so  Spanish here I come!  The Bavaro area is huge, we cover Punta Cana, Bavaro, and a couple of other cities nearby. We live in an apartment complex in Bavaro, and its super nice. Definitely a big change from living in Gonzalo. I'll attach a pic of my new ¨¨Back yard¨¨.Also, Americans attend church here all the time, so that will be a little weird. I also got to go on an intercambio with Elder  Hallett in La Ramona. Cool town and an awesome guy. The church is true and the Book of Mormon is true! El der Budge  

Jungle Jungle

April 24, 2017 Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't right last week. Things have been pretty fun. We baptized Ryan yesterday. He's nuts, He's part of this group of kids that live right outside of Gonzalo in a town called Carmona. They go to church every week but they are a handful! Hopefully we can baptized that whole group. Next week we are planning a Noche Blanca (White Night) which is a night where our zone has a baptismal service all together, and we have 3 people planned to be baptized on the 30th! I think there should be around 20 or so people getting baptized so that will be awesome. One of our bikes broke right before we had to ride over to Sabana Larga, wich is 5 or so miles away , so I ended up taking one of the bikes of a kid in our branch. I'll attach a picture. We also found this shack thing sitting in a field so naturally we had to climb on top and take a picture. Elder Budge    


May 15, 2017 Hey everyone,  This week was pretty good. We went to Los Limones again, but this time we weren't covered in mud so that was nice. We taught our 6 investigators who are preparing for baptism on the 20th.  I also got to talk with my family yesterday. Remember to thank your mothers! It reminds me of the army of Helaman  in Alma 53:16-23, Alma 56:44-48,56, and 57:19-21, 25-27 I forgot my camera stuff so no pics this week Elder Budge

Jungle Rain

May 8, 2017 Hey everyone! This last week was pretty nuts. Its been raining a ton the last two weeks, which is strange for this time of the year. On Tuesday, we rode  to a town Called Los Lemones. Its about an hour away on bike, and it was awesome. It rained for the whole 5 hours we were out. We arrived, soaking wet and covered in mud, and found out that none of these people have heard about the church before, so it looks like we are the first missionaries here! We also found a family from Boise in the middle of the town working for the Paragrine Foundation studying a endangered bird of some kind. They live here for 6 months and live in Boise for the other half of the year. Crazy! I would have never expected that to happen. We also have about 6 new investigators that are preparing for baptism on the 20th, so we should be pretty busy preparing them for the next couple of weeks! The Church is true! Elder Budge    

Noche Blanca

May 1, 2017 A pretty good week.  We traveled to Sabana Grande de Boya for a Noche Blanca last night with our zone and 15 people were baptized. Elder Portillo and I baptized 2 people, Nicolas and Luzmaria. Nicolas read Jesus's invitation in Matthew 27:19-20 and is preparing to leave on a mission in a year, so we're super stoked about that.  We went through China Town Santo Domingo and that was weird. I would have never thought of experiencing Asians speaking Spanish, but its real. We also stopped by a shoe place where I bought a pair of Echos, which are 150 bucks in the states, for 30 dollars.  God is our loving heavenly Father, and he loves us! The Church is true! Elder Budge    

Staying the Jungle

April 10, 2017 Hey everyone! Pretty awesome week. We baptized a little girl named Yurami on Sunday and shes amazing! She's 9ish years old and has been coming to church by herself for years. Us and other missionaries have been trying to get her baptized for the past year, but her dad never gave her permission. He finally gave it!. Ill attach pictures if this computer lets me. Elder Lopez and I finished the transfer with 6 Baptisms. Pretty great. On Tuesday I'm getting a different companion from Honduras. I've heard he doesn't speak very much English so it should be interesting! Lately I've been studying the New Testament alongside with Jesus the Christ and I've learned a lot more about the Ministry of Christ from that.  Jesus is our Savior, The Church is true, and Thomas S. Monson is Gods prophet on the earth! Elder Budge   Wow thats' awesome news with Westbrook! the only thing that might hinder him from getting MVP  is...


April 3, 2017 Hey everyone! We baptized Angel this week. He was tough to get a time. Hes goes to school and works with his dad so we picked him up at  7:30 pm , drove to the nearest building with a baptismal font (about a half an hour away) and baptized him, and got home pretty late. General Conference was awesome! I don't have my notes about it with me, but i really enjoyed Elder Chio's talk  was really awesome. We went to this jump trampoline place with a bunch of other elders, and Elder Lopez and I forgot shorts and t shirts so we just went in our white shirts and pants. I was soaked in sweat. here is a pic of the place.                                   The church is true! Elder Budge                                     ...

2 months

March 27, 2017 Hey!  The package came last t Tuesday and that was a lot of stuff! thank you though, just for future reference, You don' need to send that much stuff. The cliff bars are great and I've almost eaten the whole bag of high chews. We go to a mall in the city every month to buy some stuff so I bought the weight gain last Monday and got your package on  Tuesday so ill be set there for a while.  The next time you sent a package, you can send it to a place in  Florida where they bring it over here. Its a lot cheaper that way. I don't know where it is but if you look into it you can find out where.  I'm starting to adjust a little but more so that helps. I don't have a ton of time so I'll write a little more about them. All of them except this last weeks have been pretty young boys. We met them, gave them the lessons, they went to church, and decided to get baptized. We are constantly busy teaching and finding people so its been going b...

Mas work in the jungle

March 27, 2017 Its been a pretty crazy week! Last Monday we traveled to a giant mall in Santo Domingo. We went to Burger King ate a burger, and got some churro. it was glorious, but expensive. Just for an idea of how cheap it is to live here in Gonzalo, I can buy a bottle of water for 10 pasos, and a tostada for 25. The double whopper meal cost 400 pasos, and churros cost 250. 650 pasos is about 14 dollars.  I could have bought 26 tostadas for the same price as that meal! But esta bien. We traveled back to the Capital on Tuesday for Zone meeting. President Corbitt is an awesome guy! I've learned a ton from him and I'm grateful to have him be the president here.  We had 5 baptisms planned for yesterday, and only one was able to come. A little sad about the four, but we still baptized Adolfo! He's awesome, He will receive the Gift of the holy Ghost, be confirmed a member, and hopefully receive the Aaronic priesthood next Sunday. I kno...